Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Restaurant Can Not Live by Facebook and Twitter Alone - You Need a Website!

I was asked just the other day by someone opening a restaurant, "Do you really think I need a website?  I have Facebook & Twitter."  I felt bad because I  jumped on his case!  I made it very clear that  I think it is a BIG mistake not investing in a website.

Customers become more and more brand-centric everyday, and your website is a big part your brand.   Your website is no doubt  the best way to portray to potential customers the type of experience they can expect when they come to your restaurant. Why would you want to miss out on that? By not having a website you are doing your business a huge injustice.

Don't get me wrong, Facebook and  Twitter definitely have their place but they should be used as an extension of  your website.  The fact that they are free is a bonus and they should absolutely be incorporated into your marketing strategy, but as a way to enhance it but by no means define it.   One of the major problems with just having a Facebook and/or Twitter account is that in order to be successful you need to have followers.   It  make it very difficult to connect with new users and convince them that your restaurant has something unique to offer.  Every Facebook page uses the same template and it is very hard to standout from your competition. What Facebook is well suited for is  connecting with your existing customers and keeping them engaged in your special events, promotions and menu changes.   It is  very difficult using Facebook and Twitter alone to portray your brand and to set the tone of your restaurant, not to mention all the potential customers you are missing out on who do not use Facebook or Twitter in the first place.
The bottom line is that you need a website.  Even a small budget friendly website can establish your brand and help you leverage the power of the internet.

Need help?  Give us a call.  Our design team is waiting to hear from you to help you get started.
Note: Setting up an evaluation of our website solution is free with absolutely no obligation.  We set a demo site for your restaurant and walk you through so you can see how it works.  The rest is up to you.
845-598-4760 or

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