As the movement towards being green increases, having a green restaurant can actually attract customers who appreciate and share your values. When comparing apples to apples, customers are more likely to go to the brand they believe in and who they know cares about the mark they make on the world. It may not have occurred to you that going green can help you connect with your customers but it can become a reason you gain a loyal customer.
8 Shades of Green – How to Make the Leap
- Flip the Switch - One of the simplest and most effective ways to conserve energy is to turn lights and equipment off when not in use. Appliances that are plugged in and not on draw a small amount of electricity at all times, so if you can unplug them altogether, it’s even better. Turning off a broiler for one hour a day per day could save you $200 a year. The point here is if you don’t do business between lunch and dinner, turn your broiler off and unplug your appliances. You will not only be helping the environment but you will be helping your wallet too.
- Switch Bulbs - Did you know that compact fluorescent bulbs use about 75 percent less energy than the traditional light bulbs you use? They may cost more upfront but you will reap the returns by lowering your energy bill and having to buy bulbs less often. The average compact fluorescent last up to 10 times longer than a regular bulb.
- Use Energy Star™ Appliances. When buying new equipment, or replacing old, buy Energy Star. A change to Energy Star can save you up to 25% of your energy bill without surrendering quality. You will also want to check, some municipalities may extend you a credit for buying Energy Star.
- Keep Control of Disposables It is important that your staff is aware of what they are giving away. Set limits as to what is given to the customer in the form of take out condiments. Your staff may not understand the cost or environmental consequence associated with grabbing a handful of ketchup packets, a fist of salt and peppers, and a wad of napkins all for one small take out order. Educate your staff and set standards. A burger should get two ketchups and 2 napkins, etc. Staff should also ask if they need disposable utensils or not. 10 to 1 if a customer is going home or to their office they will want to use their own.
- 5. Educate Yourself Ignorance is not an excuse for wasting energy. It is important that you understand your bill and audit it frequently. You can begin by knowing precisely the amount of energy you consume and you should be able to track how it varies throughout the year, as well as year to year. If you are unsure of how to read your bill, contact your energy company to walk you through it. You need to become the expert.
- 6. Use Green to Clean. There are more and more environmentally friendly companies specializing in green cleaning products for the foodservice industry. The average restaurant that uses traditional cleaning chemicals can produce pounds of poisonous waste per year. One of the biggest culprits among restaurant cleaning products are degreasers. But daily cleaning products such as pot soap, glass cleaners, furniture polish and other general purpose cleaners give a negative impact on the environment too. Look to find products that are 100 percent safe. It doesn’t make sense to go “sort of” green.
- 7. Switch to Biodegradable On average restaurants produce over 100,000 lbs of garbage annually. Switching from Styrofoam to a compostable to-go container can make a big difference. Not only can biodegradable containers breakdown and become rich earthly materials, but they also use less oil in the manufacturing process than petroleum based plastics. A double win!
- 8. Live by the 3 R’s Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Make Reduce, Reuse and Recycle your restaurants mantra. Post it in your kitchen, your office, and in staff break areas. With these three words YOU can eliminate waste and help save the environment! The way you choose to handle waste not only affects your bottom line but also affects the future of our world's ecosystem.
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